While having lunch with my daughter Kate, I got a message about a friend on a tree in their front yard. I ran home to get gear and a box. I need to keep a second set of everything in my truck during swarm season!
It was only about 5.5 feet up. It was on two limbs right next to each other. I cut the smaller limb and was able to get about 90% of the bees in a box. I looked at what was left and I thought I had seen a queen roaming around and tried to grab her but missed. I called a fellow beekeeper to come help. After awhile, the bees that were left settled down into another ball on the limb. Roger scooped the remaining bees into the box.
Went in the house to final try and eat and I noticed that there were bees on the front of the hive. So I ran out to see what was up and there was the queen out walking around! I grab my queen clip and hung her between some bars and closed up the hive.
After about an hour, I went back out and blocked the entrance with grass and released the queen. I then made syrup for both feeders. I hope they stay!!

Got home and set up one of my empty hives and dumped in one box. I let them settle down, and noticed that the other boxes of bees rather calm and had balled up. So I was hoping the queen was in that box. After dumping in the second box, I check to see if the a queen was still in the box and there she was! Got her in the hive.
After about an hour, I went back out and blocked the entrance with grass and released the queen. I then made syrup for both feeders. I hope they stay!!