The hardest part was cutting out wild rose, and Honey suckle to get the ladder in under the swarm.

I was able to shake them into a box and put them in the hive. Before doing that, I put a bit of lemon grass oil in the hive hoping that will make this swarm want to stay.
I checked on them later that evening and I was not too sure what was going on, but it looked like bees from my other hives might have been checking it out because of the lemon oil.

I was able to shake them into a box and put them in the hive. Before doing that, I put a bit of lemon grass oil in the hive hoping that will make this swarm want to stay.
I checked on them later that evening and I was not too sure what was going on, but it looked like bees from my other hives might have been checking it out because of the lemon oil.