November 1st, combined the Langs

Today's high was 82 °F breaking the 1999 record of 77 °F. Prefect weather for checking the hives and sorting out the Langstroth hive.

I started two langs in the spring from two nucs. Nether one did very well and never built up enough to add another box. So I combined the two. Then, this past Saturday, I added a deep from the IU research lab since it was not going to survive the winter.

Since the bees had chewed through the newspaper and the weather was great, I tore into the boxes and got rid of any frame that did not have honey or brood and reduced the hive down to 2 deeps. There is a lot of honey, but I may go a head and add a candy board later.

Next I checked my hive that was infected with Nosema. The hive looks great! 14 total bars with lots of honey.

I have one top bar hive that I have not checked all summer. Since the others looked great and there was a lot of activity, I didn't bother with this one. This hive has 16 bars of comb with the back 2/3 full of honey. 
