Been a very busy, busy summer!!

Haven't able to post much due to my daughter's wedding being at my property.  They finally told me they wanted the wedding to be July 30th, in the back area of my property. This meant moving my hives. Been wanting to anyway. Spent all summer getting the property ready for the wedding.

Got all the hives moved without any problems. When we moved the Top Bar hives, I left one that had died very early spring because it was empty and I could easily move it myself. Well, the "lost" bees, the ones that returned to the original location of the hives, colonized the dead hive. So I put this hive on my Gorilla cart and moved a couple of feet a few times a day.

Moved my original Langstroth hive in two parts and that went well. Made a new hive stand for the Langs that was not so high. That is one of the things that I dislike about the Langs. They have to be so low to the ground in order to work them without having to stand on something to get to top of the hive if it is 3 or more boxes deep. I think that being so low leaves them vulnerable to all sorts of problems.

Summer is winding down and turning into Fall. Right now there is a good Goldenrod bloom and all of my hives have a good amount of honey and nectar.
