Colony locations and descriptions

Aerial photo, 2014

1.  Unpainted, over-wintered Top Bar. Very good colony strength. 
2.  First hive design, over-wintered Top Bar. 
3.  Package from FatBeeMan
4.  Over-wintered Top Bar. Usually a smaller colony
5.  Over-wintered Top Bar, Very good colony strength. Showing hygienic behavior of removing               drone brood with mites. 
6.  Over-wintered Lang. Very good colony strength.
7.  Over-wintered Lang, possibly a 4 or 5 year old colony from Carl Kulow
8.  Swarm from #2.
9.  Swarm from #1
10. Swarm from unknown hive.
11. Swarm from 7385 W. May Road
12. Swarm from #5
13. FatBeeMan package
14. Most likely a secondary swarm from #5, small
15. Large swarm, most likely from #6
