Thyme Oil Pads for Varroa control

Thyme Oil Pads
  • 1 ounce (30 ml) essential oil of thyme (both red and white thyme will work)
  • 130 ml food grade mineral oil
  • 15 heavy paper towels folded in quarters.
These are simply paper towels folded twice and soaked in a mixture of 30 ml (one ounce) of essential oil of thyme (red or white – doesn’t matter) and 130 ml of food grade mineral oil (sold in pharmacies and dollar stores for use as a laxative).    Quarter fold 15 paper towels and put them in a zip lock bag, add the oil mixture to the bag and kneed it a bit to get them all nice and oily.

From Home Remedies for Honey Bee Maladies, Cookeville BeeKeepers

Think I will try this next year if I see a mite problem. 
