Busy, hot summer

Haven't had much time to post. Been very busy getting fence line cleared, cleaning up the garden area and just keeping the place mowed! It has also been very hot humid. Mostly, very humid. Top Bars still look great, but the Langs have not built up.

Inspected the Langs about a month ago and found little to no new brood and not stored honey.  I could not find the queens, but the hives were not acting like they were queenless.  So I started to fed, but only lightly. I didn't want the other hives to store too much and then run out of room.  The Langs now look better and there is new brood. I really need to find those two queen and mark them to make them easier to find.

My usual method of feeding was not working out, so I have switched to a 5 gallon bucket feeder. Less waste and no drowned bees.
