My nosema hive today

On Aug. 24th one of my hives looked like this:

A sure sign of Nosema.

On September 25th, I transferred the colony to a clean, unused hive.  Since then, the front of the hive has been nice and clean.

The colony has been very active, bringing lots of pollen and had a good amount of brood when I transferred to new hive.

A few weeks before the transfer, I fed 5 gals of syrup with lemon and also thyme oil.  I have heard claims of thyme oil being used for mites and other hive ailments. I have no idea if this helped with the Nosema in infection.

I checked the hive on Novemeber 1st and it looks great. Lots of bees and a lot of honey. A total of 14 bars with about 2/3 of that all honey.
