First weekend in February.

High temp on Saturday was 49°F. Bees were out a bit, but not in big numbers until late afternoon. They were checking out the pollen feeder so I filled the one that was out in front of the Lang hive.

I was out organizing the garage when I noticed the Top Bar hive near the garage was busting with activity. 

Went up the hill and all other hives were also out with new bees doing orientation flights.

Sunday was much warmer with a high of 66°F.  Had to refill the pollen feeder out back by early afternoon

The pollen feeder down front near the lone Top Bar close to garage was very active but not as much as the other that is closer to the other 4 hives.

Once I was sure we had reached out high temp for the day, I checked on the candy board in one of the Langs. Might have to add more sure in the coming weeks. Glad to see that it was not completely gone. 
