Started in February when I went in on a large seed order. Had some seeds left over from last year and had bought a few before the lock down. Set up seed flats with lights in the basement.
Needed more space for seedlings. Plus, they needed full sun. Made two straw bale coldframes on the deck. One was heated with water bed heating pads. These have a thermostat, so easy to control the temp.
Made the mistake of trying to get the garden out early. We had TWO hard freezes. Lost the first tomatoes and peppers. Started more. Before second hard freeze, everything was dug up and brought inside until the temps. looked like they would stay warm enough to put them back out.Needed to have compost and topsoil on hand, So I made to bins and added one yard of each
20 pints of tomato sauce. Used a process that a gardening friend uses. You first freeze your tomatoes, then thaw. As they thaw, poke them to let the water drain. This saves time when cooking down to a thick sauce.