Diversity of insects, reptiles, mammals of 2020

 I very good insect diversity. Many species of native bees, plus my Honey bees. I planted more Thyme, Oregano, mints, several varieties of Bee balm, sunflowers, and Coneflowers. Plan to plant a wider variety next year. 

Adult Antlion, Glenurus gratus (Say)

Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa)

Lightning bug, Lampyridae. The Lampyridae are a family of insects in the beetle order Coleoptera 

Eastern eyed click beetle, Alaus oculatus

Housefly (Musca domestica)

Slug; Eastern whitelip snail; Slug

Giant leopard moth (Hypercompe scribonia)

Camel or Cave Crickets, mostly Ceuthophilus spp.

Yellowjacket Hover Fly, Milesia virginiensis

Tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta.  The tobacco hornworm caterpillar has black margins on its white stripes and it has a red horn, but the tomato hornworm has green margins on its white striptes and it's horn is blue.

Leaf Beetle larva

Butternut Woollyworm larva. Butternut Woolyworm (Eriocampa juglandis) is a sawfly (a wasp with caterpillar-like lava). Found on a Black Walnut.

Eastern Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis)

Eastern Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis)

House Finch babies, Haemorhous mexicanus

Gray ratsnake, Pantherophis spiloides.  Found and ate the baby House Finces

Tufted titmouse, Baeolophus bicolor. I would put out dry dog food on the porch and watch them fty over and grab a piece. If I was on the porch without bringing out food, I would hear about it

American toad (Anaxyrus americanus)

Larva of a wood boring beetle

Not a very happy Opossum. 

Eastern striped skunk. I love them! But they scratch at the hives which can cause the colony to up and leave. Caught 4 that I believe to have been litter mates. 
